Friday, May 08, 2009

Location, location, height

The location of a business is often an important factor in its success, especially in catching the passing trade. But this probably doesn't apply to dentists .... I wonder how many people are walking along the street, see a dentist practice and think "I'd better get that tooth fixed today". Firstly, it's not usually an impulse buy and secondly, the chance of getting seen by a dentist within a month is pretty slim! However, according to a dentist I met the other day, whether the practice is on the ground floor is of great importance. I won't go on about the sheer stupidity of the NHS contract for dentists, but one service that does attract a decent number of 'points' (yes, points means that the dentist gets paid if they amass the required number during the year) are dentures and who tends to have these? .... yes, the elderly ... who often prefer not to climb stairs. The dentist in question assured me that he (on the ground floor) gets nearly all the denture work of the practice, whilst the two dentists upstairs are left "drilling and filling" and missing out on the points!


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