Wednesday, January 14, 2009

RSI - unnecessary Repetitiveness due to Stupid Implementation

I'm just half way through adding bookmarks to my thesis and have signs of RSI! I put this down to some incompetent/irresponsible/lazy/shortsighted/unimaginative/nonuser programmer(s). I say programmer(s) as they are more often than not, the lunatics that are running the software development, as described in Alan Cooper's ruminative book[1].

Firstly, Adobe Acrobat Pro doesn't let one paste in a table of contents, even as plain text, so one has to add each bookmark, one at a time, cut and pasting the heading from a text file. (If one uses Word and exports to pdf, then apparently it will build the TOC bookmarks for you but who wants to toil with Word just for this feature?)

I've set up the list of destinations which basically tags pages. The advantage of this over associating a bookmark with a page number is that if pages are added or deleted the destinations are automatically updated to point to the original page. Well it sounded like a good idea at the time!

Question. How many mouse clicks does it take to associate a bookmark with a destination?
Answer: Between nine and twelve!

Sequence: (screen shots of the windows are shown below)
  1. crtl click on bookmark - Bookmark Properties dialogue window pops up 
  2. select properties from end of list (yes you have to move down to the end) 
  3. click edit button at the bottom of properties window - Go to a page in this document dialogue window pops up 
  4. click use named radio button 
  5. click to browse button to the right - Choose Destination window pops up with list of destinations
  6. click on the destination from the list (if more than 14 the you have to scroll down to find it) 
  7. click the OK button (why can't we double click on the destination to select?) 
  8. click the OK button on the Go to a page in this document dialogue window
  9. click the Close button on the Bookmark Properties dialogue window
Multiply this by the number of bookmarks (185) and we have almost 2000 clicks plus the repetitive movements across the screen to find the buttons and you can perhaps see why I'm not so pleased! In fact, it will be well over 2000 clicks as I keep forgetting the destination when I eventually get to the pop up list!

I've been thinking about possible solutions.
1. There is no need for three dialogue windows. The 2nd one (Go to page in this document) only has 2 options, so this could easily be incorporated in the properties window. Also, when clicking on Use named destination why do we then have to click on Browse? The list of destinations could also appear in the properties window, as it is modal and hence has to be closed anyway in order to continue. (same for the 2nd window)

2. What about editing the bookmark in a spreadsheet style manner? We could then easily paste in a list of bookmarks. These could be added to existing ones by adding extra rows. Deletion and rearrangement would also be easy. And, if we had set up a list of destinations, wouldn't it be easy to match these to the bookmark list, if they were sorted in document order (rather than alphabetically as in the current implementation). Other properties of the bookmarks (such as
wrapping or font weight) could also be set, either globally or individually, much as ones does in a spreadsheet. In addition, we could always drag and drop a destination, from a list (thumbnail views of the page perhaps?) on the bookmark.

I've still got nearly 1000 mouse clicks to go, so can't spend any more time thinking up solutions. Not as though it actually took much time to think of quick fixes or the more radical solution. I just wonder how much time the programmers took originally? I guess they never tried to add more than one destination to a bookmark during testing!

[1] Alan Cooper. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity


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