The mouse in the canoe who went to the zoo
The mouse in the canoe
Went to the zoo
To see the gnu
Who had flu.
“How do
Said the mouse in the canoe
To the gnu
In the zoo.
“I’ve got flu”
Said the gnu.
“I have too”
Said the kangaroo
On his way to
Join the queue
For the porta-loo.
“I blame the cockatoo
Just flew
In from Peru”
Said the gnu.
That the cockatoo
Had been in Peru?”
Said the mouse in the canoe.
“There's a notice on view
In aviary No. 2,
Next to
The new
Shed in blue”
Said the gnu
Blowing in a tissue.
“It’s true”
The parrot in blue
Also going for a poo
In the porta-loo.
See you!”
Said the mouse in the canoe
Remembering that he needed some glue
Fix a hole in his Soux
Before the strong winds blew.
Geoffrey Ellis
May 2009
I've been carrying around the "mouse in the canoe, went to the zoo, to see a gnu" rhyme for a while, then in light of the recent swine flu panic-demic I completed the story. Look out for more "the mouse in the ..." stories!
Revised 6 May - A couple of changes since posting last night
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