Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is this really hard work?

Sainbury's have recently changed the packaging on their Bran Flakes breakfast cereal with plenty of information on how the carton is made from 85% recycled material and encouraging the consumer to recycle the box and the inner plastic bag. All good stuff. A fair amount of space is also given over to telling the consumer how hard they have been working on other aspects of the breakfast cereal. In particular is says "We have been working hard to reduce the salt content". Huh? How hard is it to reduce the salt content? The factory either has an electronic salt dispenser (which I'm sure can be turned down) or a person with a scoop who could be given a smaller scoop. Perhaps they ought to try understanding a paper concerning a population-based stochastic optimization approach called particle swarm analysis, which I've been asked to review ... now that's what I call hard work!


At 15/4/08 2:21 pm, Blogger Kiel Gilleade said...

Clearly your not aware of their primate employment program, do you not realise how difficult it is to re-train ones monkies.

At 24/4/08 4:20 pm, Blogger Peter Noel said...

I found it hard enough work just reading "a population-based stochastic optimization approach called particle swarm analysis".


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